We need this in every state. Great work getting this done!

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Yes every state , every country . Thanks Dr. Joe

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Yes. But further actions by the Arizona State governor and Attorney general are needed. This is critical. Once precedence is established, other jurisdictions will be compelled to initiate similar Actions. I agree with your comment. The *majority* of States must come to order.

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Yes. These are symbolic. but they apply pressure and are not easy to do. It is hard to get party activists to do what none of their politicians are willing to do. THe AZ GOP just declared the shots biological and technological weapons. Will all the politicians in AZ ignore this?

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@Dr. Joseph Wait. Aren’t the 97% of Republicans who voted for the ban the jab resolutions politicians? What’s the difference between the politicians and activists?

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Good question. Not really. Every state party is not identical, but they are essentially the same. I will use the FL example. Some states call them central committees we call them executive committees in FL. Each county is made up of precincts and they elect representatives to represent them at the county party level. They are elected but these are party positions not public offices. These precinct committeemen and committeewomen make up the County Executive Committee which is the governing body of the party in that county.

This Executive Committee elects an Executive Board of four members, plus the members of the Republican Party in the county at large elect two State Committee members. This makes a total of six Executive Board members. They are supposed to follow the direction of the Executive Committee but that does not always happen... anyway the Chair of the Executive Board and the State Committeeman and State Committeewoman represent the county party at the state party level. So in Fl where there are 67 counties these three people from each county make up the governing body of the Republican Party of Florida.

The issue is not so much about getting these resolutions passed as it is allowing them to come up for a vote because the Executive Board at each county can block it from coming up as can the Executive Board at the state party level.

Within this framework you have your slimer climbers, people looking for status, future political careers etc. You also have an increasing numbers of activists getting involved. The activists are driven more by ideology. About 40% of the county level positions are vacant. All that needs to occur is that a person be a registered Republican usually for a year and then fill out the paperwork to fill the vacancies and get elected by the members at a meeting which is largely a formality. If the precinct spot is filled then you would go on the ballot to get elected. Dan Schultz explains this well at precinctstrategy.com so there is a deliberate effort to take the party back from within.

Basically, the upper levels of the party want it to remain controlled opposition and the activists want to save their country. In FL for example they changed the rules so that the members of a county Executive Committee can't remove their chair. This was done apparently to stop the effort to drive the agenda from the bottom up.

Democrats have a similair structure but I think ti may eb top down.

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Thanks doc. That explains a lot. 🤔

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Thanks for that! My take on this comes from the realization that Nanotechnology is a huge field of science. University Of Waterloo here in Canada has a Nanotechnology program. These issues are so big. I think the most important thing in all of this is Bodily Autonomy. The pressure to Vaccinate needs to end. I do appreciate men who are standing to protect people. The risks are coming to light. Hydrogels and the Positive charge these Nanotechnologies cause seem to be toxic to our blood and tissues.. Bans and moritoriums are needed to save lives to protect the future longevity and health of people. Evolution by Nanotechnologies is not true Evolution. And breaking health to fix it is psychopathic.

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Nanotechnology merely feeds the will of Klaus Schwab at the WEF in Davos that these "stakeholder Capital" oligarchs, major corporate heads, Governor's and world leaders plan their future atrocities against humanity. Per Klaus, "The days of freedom, freewill and choice are over for mankind. through technology and micro chipping we will control them ALL." Keep voting for Joe Biden and watch your lights go out soon. The agendas that WHO, WEF's 2030 and U.N.'s Zero Plans are criminal acts against ALL humanity and a good read for anyone that truly cares about our the future. The Public/Private Partnerships between these evil people aren't being reported in the alphabet mainstream media, we have a Banana Republic folks. The new CSIL department they just created is to provide misinformation designed to inculcate and report lies to Americans. The other recent legislation also precludes you from claiming your assets if your broker, insurance company or bank goes bankrupt. YOUR ASSETS with them are claimed as "THEIR ASSETS" and you will receive whatever the bankruptcy court says you'll get for your property. They consider your assets their assets according to the new Uniform Commercial Code just passed. Most have NO AWARENESS because CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC or Fox have mentioned a word about it. We're treated like mushrooms kept in a closet while shoveling manure on us.

America is an international JOKE now, whatever your told, think the opposite cuz up is down, left is right and good is evil. This is Orwell's 1984.

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Well since FLA. governor is the ultimate controlled opposition along with DJT that does not bode well

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Heh, heh... Hard to say which way the ball will bounce. At least Arizona and Virginia have the advantage of a rowdy populace. I think the US House needs about 450 Marjorie Taylor Greene's. The press would go into complete melt down...

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Symbolic is important. It’s the opposite of diabolic.

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So true, symbolic only. Nonetheless, it is important for the Court of Public Opinion and to raise awareness. We all know how corrupt AZ politics are after the last sham of an election there!

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All elections everywhere are rigged , and have been for a long time , this did not start with fake Biden. Go study Lord Malloch Brown, and G. Soros control over election systems for a long time with Intel agency help. Elections throughout American history have been rigged or how do you think 15 known ones were Freemasons , others secretly , others Jesuit secretly, and or Shriners who have to be 33 degree or above . I honestly and with lots of research would say Jefferson was last un-rigged real president. And he did not really want to run, but saw America was already infiltrated and betrayed [just like now ] and country was on the verge of first CIVIL WAR , just like later in 1861, and now today.

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They’re just not bothering to hide it anymore!

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That is the understatement of the century and we are letting them get away with it.

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They are hiding it enough so that the sheeple won't wake up. I know plenty of sheeple that refuse to see anything. And, I know others that know some things, either refusing to take action or to understand the scope of who's at the very top of this psychopathic insanity (I guess that's redundant but so are they). Even the black piller's just insist on blaming the wrong people. It's pure insanity all over the place. This, as Thomas stated, goes back centuries. Washington was a freemason, too. This goes back to the romans and the vatican taking control and wanting to keep control and twisting people's minds for centuries. The sad part is that people allow their mind's to be twisted.

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I'm confused; it says around 1,160 votes...was this another county, similar to the Maricopa County resolution? Or the official statewide committee?

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Kristen, no it was the state party. Maricopa county is huge and is like half the state population. It is biggest GOP county in the country. Keep in mind it is a representative system. Each one of those people voting were elected and represent people from their districts.

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Saw that, had not known it was the biggest, wow. You said those votes were about the same..? 1,400-ish?

(I'm still trying to wrap my head around all the bureaucracies and different levels, voting groups in each state. 😳)

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Its already known they are , but the Military and "its " contractors and Gov were given the right by E.O. and public law LONG AGO, to use such weapons on even American citizens, and also as "response" to emergency measures.

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If you are against telling the truth I can't convince you. It is important when a state party goes on the record and declares these biological and technological weapons. It is important to continue to expose this. And no, very few actually say these are biological and technological weapons. They dance around it. This may tilt them toward doing so. Saying there is nothing we can do is not a winning strategy. Any law repugnant to the constitution is null and void and this certainly includes an EO. Besides Pfizer and other pharma companies violated their contracts anyway, they did not provide a safe and effective 'vaccine'. Keep pushing until it swings the other direction....

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These transfections absolutely must be destroyed. “Countermeasure” is the term that comes to mind. Isn’t that what they officially have called them? I have heard it said repeatedly.

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The military is under civilian control not the other way around. Any law repugnant to the Constitution is void.

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"Were given" by whom? What "public law"? And what "such weapons"?? 🤔

And yes, many were Freemasons-- George Washington, our very first, was one , dude lol. They've always been a group based on high achievement, wisdom, and service to society. Just another fraternal group, but of course paranoid minds run wild bc heaven forbid they have a secretive aspect.

Is there corruption in higher-up circles? No doubt, on both sides. Doesn't mean there isn't also a lot of good.

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Katie Hobbs will do nothing. I would like to see all states get on board and bankrupt Pfizer and Moderna but this isn't going to happen. Pfizer was Biden's largest donor I hear so he mandated them. He knew it went against the Constitution but by the time SCOTUS's made the determination the damage was already done.

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Hello Dean B. I'm afraid you're not understanding the situation. Lawsuits ('legal' actions) will never result in Lawful precedence. Even if successful, bankruptcy would simply result in *renaming* to a new corporate Charter. The poisoning of civil populations would continue.

Main funding of operative companies are established via the Department of Defense and US Department(s) of Health and Human Services. These are *also* Corporate agencies operating under Corporate Charter. They possess vast financial and political resources.

Revocation of ALL Corporate Charters - including seizure of assets, is the only reliable remedy.

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Thanks for adding that and I completely agree , and no licenses to do business ANYWHERE , that could even be done locally and in States[if we still have them after MAY , WHO planedmic treaty insanity.} No corporate tax havens, distribute the seized assets to rebuild the world they have ravaged. I dont know who could be trusted with that power , but somehow needs to be part of the solution.

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Hello Thomas: Corporate Charters are typically filed in States Chanceries. Courts of Chancery or equity are still maintained as separate jurisdictions in certain areas of the English Commonwealth and in some states of the United States. Delaware and Illinois both host courts of Chancery. Like other Maritime constructs, these are primarily equity courts.

Another *coincidence* related to the ICC >>> https://www.state.gov/international-chancery-center/

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Great point and I agree. Many claims for injury and death from these shots have been made against U.S. govt but few are approved. I know that Walmart gets about 5000 lawsuits per year and views this as a cost of doing business so this must go much deeper. I know the C I A owns multiple profitable corporations so the corruption runs deep.

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The CIA has thousands of corporate front businesses.

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So many 3 & 4 letter departments of the U.S. Government which I have heard it referred to as a bankrupt Corporation needs to be dismantled. It would likely take an act of God to end this corruption.

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Hobbs is clearly traitor trash.

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Agree! Kari Lake should have won the election.

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the governor of AZ was installed by Soros.

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Whilst this may be true (or not) it is irrelevant to the actual issue. Ms Hobbs is an elected person subject to the will of the "People". Her fiduciary responsibility is that of a Civil Trust within the jurisdiction of Arizona. Her office is not a 'private' arrangement or corporate sponsorship...

It is quite obvious Ms Hobbs and other such officials are in violation of their Oath of Office. She should be served a writ of Quo Warranto, removed from office, and criminally indicted for Treason. Quit alleging excuses for unacceptable agency...

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Well said!

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the judiciary, MSM and state government agencies are captured and subverted by the globo homo NWO. The oath of office is meaningless to these people.

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S l o w l y, very s l o w l y, people are waking up.

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They aren't you know.. wish I'd taken a picture of that bus-stop advertisement I saw this morning, warning people to take the HPV Vaccine!

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...quickly, quickly, people are developing turbo cancers and dying suddenly.

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Dee Dee ,are the dead waking up to ? ? In this world of terror ...,never go to sleep ,because it may be the sleep of eternity .By ''sleep '' I mean not having any information except watching lady Ga GA ON TV making out with prince Harry . Now I go and have my nap .

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The fact that they aren't rushing out to get the latest booster shows the little squirrel in their brain is starting to figure out something.

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Hopefully they snap out of it before they take down the internet

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Apr 28
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I know some of them. Their family members are dropping like flies and they can't understand why....

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Apr 28
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Hi 60GigaHertz, where can I find the information you're referring to please? These cleansing interventions are vital and difficult to find with all the censorship.

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Look up Nixon labs on here. Activated charcoal works

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What good can all the cleansing do if one day you manage to cleanse yourself and the next day you get a good dose of spray from the sky again ,to undo all the cleansing .Is it possible that our body learned to develop a natural defense ,immunity already since most of us are still alive in spite of all the present poisons we ubsorbe ??

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Where can I learn more about your advise above, please??

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Apr 28
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The solution is not to put poisons in your body in the first place ,so you don't need a ton of remedies to take them out again . I'm 88 and cook all my meals from basic organic food or as good as I can find it .Remember if you don't put poison in you don't have to take it out later . As long as I was able bodied I had a garden growing tons of organic veggies .Also for years I went moose hunting every year and most often being successful bringing good organic meat home .The best there is . Now excuse me I will have a glass of my home made red wine .CHEERS

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Sorry my friend they have put it in EVERYONE and every living thing and systematically poisoning the entire planet with countle4ss things for a very long time. ROUNDUP is poisonous snake venom peptides, just to name one .

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Long life and continuing good health to you, Joe! Well done.

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Good for you, that is great.

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Well all of you responding to my peace are right ,and I'm wrong .I was a bit too hasty leaving out the shedding spaying and contaminating every thing in sight .I should know better and I do .Next time I write something I will try to be more balanced ,and not leave out what you reminded me of I should include .Thank's

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Sorry but not everyone can hv a garden to hunt moose. You must understand that, no?

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No we can't have a garden to hunt moose ,I understand that .In my comment on top I left out the many ways they harm us .So in my comment on the bottom I did try to correct that .Sorry for my mistake .

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I would add Sodium Citrate/ Activated Charcoal,, and Black Cumin Sees oil to the list, more experimentation is needed , but I just learned from a very smart engineer that CDS gassing off eliminated the majority of EMF reading on his meter while doing a test , anyone else up for testing this AND PROPERLY TESTING CDS and then using dark field scope , I have only heard one investigator say it did nothing to remove nano , but real science and medicine cant be with one test or one opinion. I appreciate Dr Lee M but she is VERY WRONG on the idea they "need" our consent for any of these agendas, or ALWAYS tell us what they are going to do ahead of time .

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Well. THEY DO! E.G. 9/11 in The Simpsons movies and TV shows. It's THEIR Code Of Honor.

It's called predictive programming https://interestingengineering.com/culture/predictive-programming-how-books-and-tv-predict-the-future

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Disagree , they "kind of do that ,predictive programming is MIND CONTROL AND CONDITIONING, they ONLY do this AFTER they believe they have rigged the game so that WE CANNOT STOP IT . They do not have ANY CODE OF HONOR or MORALS or EMPATHY or consideration for ALL LIFE . They still hide all they can , still kill whistleblowers and censor truth tellers. Where is their supposed code of honor to extinct countless OTHER SPECIES in their agendas , who notified or asked them if they consent . What your saying is "their " ultimate psyop against our action, that somehow if we just know , its ok and do nothing! Here is more. Many still believe there is somehow FREE WILL. Thousands of years of religious persecution and mind control programming, thousands of years of war to weaken and control, thousands of years to ruthlessly punish those who resist tyranny and LAWS . Tens of thousands of LAWS to control all aspects of life . NOW insidious mind control TECHNOLOGY already in place, after spraying NANO TECH on us in all ways. POISONING THE ENTIRE FOOD CHAIN. All of that on a species that at best uses maybe 10% OF BRAIN CAPACITY AND THE CORRESPONDING 10% OD DNA POTENTIAL . PLEASE SHOW WHERE FREE WILL REMAINS.

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Apr 29
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I have been using the sodium citrate and charcoal as well as Borax solution rotating 3 days , take a day off , the switch to other , But Im completely healthy , the only one I know who has not been sick a minute through entire plandemic or even in decades . But Im going for eliminating the nano as well . to then be tested on scope. I refuse to accept we all have this and or cannot eliminate or neutralize it . you can make your own Sodium citrate . Pure real Bicarb of Soda , organic lemons , you got it, nothing synthetic. Though I think the others available have shown to work. Dont get me started mega regions BBS or anything like it I cant even stand to hear the language any of these types and programs use , who taught them how to speak such perfect Orwellian nonsense , the intention of which, is always directly opposite what they say, private email me for other info SK

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Good to see you , have not in a while please tell me more as well about [Lumetol Squares by Mitozen... and more. Im working on sonic treatments.

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Apr 29
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Ok so now I know what it is , I have known Dr Ana for at least 15 years or so , ok send me private email and Ill tell what Im creating , its what no one else have completely put together without the problems anything EMF seems to contribute to . SK

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Great news I hope one day soon it will happen in all provinces in Canada 🇨🇦 where I was born and lived almost all my life! I have hope and pray that it will come in the next year world wide!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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We will, the lions are still waking, up here!!

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There's not much time left to wake up Sarah as the WHO will be taking the final vote at the end of Maygoing on who will control worldwide health measures and mandates going forward. It's another huge brick in building their new One World Order or Government (WEF, WHO, UN, etc). with international digital currency, international health ID (Pass), international surveillance with facial recognition, social credit score, individual carbon tracking, etc. similar to China. We're on the precipice and so many are sound asleep still. Our government leaders like it that way, as they make international agreements behind closed doors giving away their nation's sovereignty and betraying the people's rights to freedom and justice. Have you heard Trudeau or Biden or any other President/Prime Minister explaining these monumental issues and the implications of them to the public?? All are mute until it's a done deal. They are traitors enabling a soft coup of their country's while the people sleep. It will be announced as a 'gift' or 'aid to humanity' in case of another 'pandemic' (which they are already planning). But in reality it is a 'Trojan Horse', going against the people once they're in the door. If they wanted to prevent disease and worldwide pandemics, why would they allow bio labs worldwide that experiment with deadly pathogens and 'gain of function'?? It's time to be on our knees in prayer and in close relationship with God..."For if God be for us, who can be against us"?

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Less than 3000 billionaires in ultimate family controlling lines are behind all this , eliminate them, and their minions will run like scared chickens 3,000 to billions, should not be that hard.

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I am not responsible for others who choose not to "wake up".

I get, you get...but not everyone does and what ever will be, will be.

Division solves nothing!!

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Sara ,Where you live the sheeple are waking up ? After their long ,long beauty sleep ?During the virus terror I saw only sleeping sheeple no sleeping lions . Lately I see more and more people putting on masks again .Is it to escape the bird flu that is not quite here yet ,but lurking around every corner ??

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What sound do sheeple make?


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This is a large country and i dont know EVERYONE and can only speak to the results i see when trying to wake others up.

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Me too.

From 🇨🇦with ❤️

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Short of REVOLT many nations will continue selling Snake Oil to the uninformed.

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Awesome job, thank you!👏

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Ban the Jab is of max important. The world is finding out the truth about the CV-19 Vax and the injury and death toll it has created. The government officials can't turn a blind eye to the truth...and all states better pass "Ban the Jab," too. The majority of the comments I have seen on the substacks and Epoch Times...show people have awakened to the danger of all injections. Many People are questioning the ingredients in them, which have been hidden by patents. Patents should not have been permitted for substances being injected directly into bloodstreams. Now, people are even questioning vets regarding these vaxes. More are aware of the folly of not asking questions, before getting an injection or even taking drugs, as to the ingredients in them.

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"Now, people are even questioning vets regarding these vaxes."

Yep. If big pharma won’t make safe vaccines for kids does anyone think they would for pets? Vaccines are big business for vets just like for pediatricians.

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My daughter recently said to me that she was appalled at the number of pets that have cancer. Years ago, we had never heard of pets dying of cancer. This I am sure is related to all the injections that these animals have received; along with low quality pet food from road kill... loaded with additives. My daughter never had children. Her pets are her 'children.' She feeds them better food than what most people eat. .

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All 6 of my dogs died from cancer and I gave them very few vaccines. Vets used to give shots under the skin of the neck, but changed it to their legs because if they get cancer there the leg can be amputated. Vets know damn well that vaccines cause cancer. That proved it.

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If you have LED lights, LED TV, WiFry and cell phones in your home then understand that that is what caused the cancer. You can educate yourself by watching Scott Zimmerman, 85 optic patents, Dr Jack Kruse, 15,000 brain/spinal surgeries, Dr Martin Moore-Ede (*Harvard Med), Dr Roger Sehuelt Light is Medicine, Dr Devra Davis......they are all on You Tube. It's the biggest con job, worse than the Jab fokks. Buy a Safe Home Techn meter, you'll see the radiation is extreme and constant. You can measure the effects they have on your body's electrical system (externally it's 70-90mv topically for humans. I take my meter everywhere to limit my body's daily exposure. And, in FL, you can go to the sandy beach and ameloriate much of the radiation you've collected and improve your mitochondrial health. I hope this helps to educate you to save yourself and your home's inhabitants.

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My first 2 dogs or possibly 3 died from cancer in the 80's early 90's.

I’d love to go to the beach and did frequently when I lived in California. I felt the toxins leave every time I stood on the beach.

I’m in Utah now and I only have the great salt lake which I go to a few times a year. Definitely not the same.

Thanks for your advice.

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It's not only vax for pets but YOUR WiFRY and cell phones YOU USE. The nnEMF is a mitochondrial killer. It crteates chaos in every cell, cell membrane, your 5 cytochromes which create immense inflammation, as well. nnEMF and the LED lights you're mandated (they penetrate skin up to 2cm) will give many many pets and people cancers. Add in some nano-technology, some metal jewelry (it conducts what's there to you) and it all adds up to tons of radiation!!!! Verizon and AT&T didn;t mention that in their commercials. If you have WiFry in your home you are playing Russian Roulette. If you put a cell phone in your hand or near your head/body, you are foolishly sacrificing your health and future. Go back to your landline and wired internet and be healthy. The choice is yours to make but, IMHO, this is AS SERIOUS as the Jab situation. Why do you think that everyone is so overweight now, look around. The past 10 years has caused inflamed cytochrome C-oxidase making you fat and sick. This isn't conjecture, I've owned communications engineering company, I KNOW the deliterious effects and they are hiding it. No, you won't find it on Google, Duck Duck Go, you can read Mitochondriac Manifesto by R.D. Lee and get the science and REAL facts about this topic. BTW, the nano-tech and metals love nnEMF but your mitochondria hates it!!! P.S. If you live within 1.5 mio from a cell tower, I highly recommend that you save yourself and relocate or atleast ground and shield your home to protect its inhabitants.

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Geneva, I have a landline; and got rid of a cell phone my children forced on me. I had driven thousands of miles back and forth across the U.S. ten times without a cell phone. We don't have a microwave oven; don't watch TV and the only electronic item I have is my laptop. We bought a large copper coil to protect our whole home; and I wear a special pendant, when I use the laptop. The whole world is being bathed in radiation from all the electronic gadgets; particularly the cell phones worldwide. . I have no physical problems at 90; and feel no differently than I did over 60 years ago. In fact, I am healthier physically and mentally than I was in my twenties. I went through my teens weighing 150 pounds, today I am 115 pounds at 5 ft 3 inches. I have been into health/nutrition research for 63 years, since I was 27.

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Yup,we had two pups die after getting their rabies shots,fuking pissed me off

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I am so sorry. I have only recently become aware of how bad the rabies shots are.

I did let my dawg get a rabies shot after she probably got parvovirus from the wilderness and sweated until I knew she was okay. But if she could pick up parvovirus then how much worse if she picked up rabies? But no boosters and none of the others.

Another thing for vaccinating puppies. Doctors are saying that it’s better to wait on giving babies vacciness until their immune system is more mature. I think that should be best for puppies. If i ever get another one I’ll ask for them to not jab them so young.

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I don't vax, I titer test to see if they already have immunity to whatever. My dog did not get vaxed, he has titers and a healthy immunity. Of course, titer is about $150 last time we went to check but worth it to keep my dog healthier.

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Metals in those vax love the WyFry and cell phone you may also use. It's sad to see that animals are suffering now with strokes and cancers.

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Hello Barbara Charis: You stated: "Patents should not have been permitted for substances being injected directly into bloodstreams." --- Right on target. ---

The US Patent and Trademark office has issued Patents on thousands of products that should never have seen the light of day. The current "patent" process is stylized after the English system of Letters Patent. See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Letters_patent

The British Crown runs nearly all systemic legal processes in the Western world. The plebs continue to doze... Not questioning is folly, indeed...

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A jab is rarely to go directly in the blood stream. Those who jabbed people and didnt aspirate first ( which was suggested to be dropped in procedure by Gov etc as may create vax hesitancy) was and continues to be criminal. Any and all nurses drs learn this!! This is what May have caused so many to die and be injured. Directly putting the ingredients in a vein. Aspirate aspirate. Key for correct delivery.

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There is no such thing as a "safe" or correct vaccine, period. Vaccines are poisons to the autoimmune system. Doctors and nurses are committing mass murder. Have a nice eternity.

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Hell of a job Sansone and I couldn't be happier with the folks working the precinct strategy as well. A couple more and I suspect momentum will become a factor.

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Yes, Dan Schultz did not hesitate to submit this when I asked him. Many others are afraid to for various reasons. He had to submit it twice too. He is legitimate! So many others are not.

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Do you think Dan can share the process he used to get this done? Maybe it would help others do the same thing.

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Hey Stewart, It is the same as everywhere else. You need to be a precinct member of your local executive committee or central committee and then submit the resolution. Dan got it passed in the Maricopa GOP and then as a State Committeeman he submitted it to the state party. Go to precinctstrategy.com to find out more about becoming a member. In FL we got 10 counties to pass but not the state party is pushing back. The issue is rarely about passing it. It is usually about getting it placed on the agenda for a vote that is the challenge. In addition to going to precinctstrategy.com you can check out the interview I did with Dan some time back on my podcasts.

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Woohooo, this is fantastic news!!!!!!!! So happy!! I pray this becomes a trend across this realm!

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I wish you every success. You are doing good work.

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Great News!

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We Gave Birth and Forget all about the pain.

Some things are worth doing.

I would do it all over again!

Let’s Go🇨🇦🇬🇧🇺🇸 and the rest of the World. We will do this!

Their Goal is Control. Do not Comply.

New podcasts I found today : Whitney Webb Unlimited Hangout

Well worth following this woman!


She is a serious investigative journalist; does writing for :

Mint Press News

Bitcoin Magazine

The Last American Vagabond

MintPress news.com

Wake people up by passing it along.

Author of 2 volume book- One Nation Under Blackmail ( second vol. describes Epstein and his American Political and Financial Influence) I saw an interview with Corbett Report a few years ago. Mind twisting . How Blackmail was/is used to get

Subscribe. It’s worth while getting her opinion.

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Corbett just posted a new substack on Epstein....today April 28. Good read.

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Whitney's the bomb.

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Gotta love her!!! Smart young woman and I believe her current diatribe is spot on!

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Dark Future and You Will Own Nothing (buy on Amazon or Audibel) are EXCELLENT. They outline past, present and future plans for us worldwide.

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Oh finally, this is most exhilarating! So dr Schutltz did his job and got the job done! Congrats!

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Encouraging news! May this be another domino to fall, creating an avalanche of dismantling the globalist technocrat parasite megalomaniac control freak billionaire masters' push for the demonic total slavery of democided robotized sheeple.

Proudly ANTI-VAXX! Reiterating for the sake of newbies and to support this post.


Ban all vaccine jabs! There has never been a 'safe and effective' vaccine since Edward Jenner's fraud over 200 years ago as per 'Dissolving Illusions' by Suzanne Humphries and 'Turtles All the Way Down' by Anonymous. Health can never come from a needle or pills, but from healthy eating, healthy exercise and healthy living! https://virustruth.net

JAB INJURIES: GROSS CALAMARI BLOOD CLOTS/AUTISM TSUNAMI/SADS/TURBO CANCER/BIZARRE TERMINAL ILLNESSES: More tragic victims of the ruling parasite genocidal enslavement agenda, sacrificed on the altar of psychopathic greed and hatred of humanity.

A vast majority of so-called leaders and Public 'Serpents' around the world have been bribed, blackmailed/coerced into serving the interests of their technocratic New World Ordure parasite masters and not We the People.

GREED is behind every evil assailing us in the world!

The demonic despots of Davos at it again! They are behind everything bad! At it for decades and cronies like The Rothschilds and the Black Nobility and The Khazarian Mafia have been plotting planetary domination for centuries! ALL BECAUSE OF AVARICE!

We the People must try harder to live by The Golden Rule, doing so would solve most problems!

THEY can't get rid of the 'useless eaters' fast enough! Mistakes were not made, it was always malice aforethought.


Migrant/Entrant Invasion/Infrastructure Attacks - all part of the destructive plot to achieve total slavery!

Apoplectic livid rage hardly describes the intensity of emotions I have had and am having over what these malignant globalists are perpetrating!

There is no noxious crime that the evildoers desiring to lord it over us won't commit to maintain their stranglehold on power. A groundswell critical mass resistance to their murderous enslavement plans is needed urgently!

Creative performing arts, fine arts and literary arts are the best part of being human and the thing the globalist predator technocrat megalomaniac total slavery control freaks most want to destroy.

Too many 'sheeple' are brainwashed to blindly obey authority figures on the media or in daily life in corrupt system ruled by control freak psychopaths who use propaganda lies to enslave their subjects and they are dumbed down to be obedient by 'education' institutions. Fortunately I was raised to question everything. This transcends party lines. We need a system that punishes psychopaths and rewards compassion and sharing, we need a system that actually follows The Constitution in reality.


There is a fate worse than death - I would rather die than be a robotized slave of technocratic overlords! This is my hill to die on!

I have a landline and a wired laptop and a wired monitor screen, all the tech anyone should ever want or need. I never had and refuse to ever have one of those infernal mobile devices that are designed to enslave you.

My loathing of AI and all things NANO and digital knows no bounds!

Kudos to Dr. Sansone's heroic efforts and success in the struggle. We the People must always be aware of the existential threats lurking behind this fight!

How I stick my thumb in the eyes of the grotesque billionaire bastards pushing their enslavement agenda and how I embrace being fully human.

Fighting the globalist predator technocrat psychopath megalomaniac TOTAL SLAVERY AGENDA one performance at a time!

Amazing Amy: Eccentric Yoga Entertainer!

As an entertainer, I have been devastated and practically destroyed by the closure of all performance venues and then when they reopened, because MY BODY, MY CHOICE - being made a total untermenschen pariah outcast in NAZI NIGHTMARE LAWLESS 'SHOW ME YOUR PAPERS' JAB CROW APARTHEID/DISCRIMINATION/SEGREGATION HELL NYC WHERE THE MAD/DRUNK WITH POWER TYRANT POLS DOUBLE DOWN ON THEIR ILLEGAL MANDATES. I am trapped here with zero financial resources to leave or do anything else about this 'wish I were dead' endless misery life has become. The tragic irony is that my SPREAD THE YOGA LOVE performances are all about health, miraculously overcoming age (68) and injury to achieve feats of flexibility few can attain at any age. So BIG PHARMA who wants to addict every person on the planet to their toxic products hate people like me who prove that we do not need them if we eat healthy organic food and exercise daily!


I try and live and embody the creative performing artistic world and life I so fervently want existence to be about.

They can stick their f*cking damned NANO, Digital IDs, AI, jabs and chips up their asses where the sun don't shine!

All manner of lies and propaganda spew forth from the upper echelons in governments worldwide who are completely intertwined with the global criminal ruling class that wants to commit the worst atrocities imaginable and suffer no consequences. And their corruption slithers down the chain of command creating petty tyrants everywhere.


It was NEVER about health! The Powers That Should Not Be were ALWAYS about they want you DEAD or a SLAVE! This is a painful truth to accept but we the people must wake up and fight back!

We must never lose sight of the larger picture of the vile malignance we are fighting against.

There is an insidious global ruling class plot to enslave all life on earth behind all the madness and suffering inflicted on We the People.

How to fight back against this TOTAL SLAVERY!


Other than getting rid of nuclear weapons which I support 100% the rest of the anti-nuclear peace movement and CLIMATE CRISIS propaganda is parroting UN utter GARBAGE, a complete surrender to the ENSLAVEMENT AGENDA by the diabolical despots of Davos - ruling class criminals who lust for total power and control and all of whom should be tried and jailed for life and their malign organizations dismantled: the UN, the WEF, the IMF, the WHO, the BIS, NATO, Blackrock, Vanguard, The Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, The Bilderbergers, the CFR et al.

There is an evil predator globalist technocratic elite agenda of eugenics/depopulation/genocide using bioweapon poison jabs, war, geoengineering, EMF radiation, starvation and economic collapse - THE GREAT RESET/AGENDA 2030/4TH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION to get rid of billions of 'useless eaters' and to use nano tech to turn the survivors into ROBOTIZED COMPLIANT SLAVES! WAKE UP AND RESIST! DO NOT COMPLY! These are psychopath megalomaniacs who want to play god by turning all life into digitized metaverse mechanistic synthetic biology to be manipulated by their AI algorithms. A more demonic sickening idea is nearly impossible to imagine!


MAKE THE WORLD AND AMERICA 2019 (comparatively speaking), AND FREE AGAIN!
















Pam Popper: https://makeamericansfreeagain.com

Del Bigtree: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/highwire


Naomi Wolf: https://dailyclout.io



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Appears the Fraudulently installed AZ Administration must have known about

this decision being announced.

The timing of this excellent decision with this week's arrest of Republican Federal Electoral Representatives supporting Trump in 2020 and signing documents declaring their support in Congress activates that ole 'Spidey Sense.'

Every victory in WWIII is as birth; three steps forward and two back with every Pain of Labor.

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There is a little bit of Dr. Sansone spirit and truth in the ones writing and reading the comments here .Dr. Sansone is leading a fight most of us lack the energy and knowledge for what he does . Sadly there are only 89 comments ,when there should be millions like it .

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