Feb 14, 2023Liked by Dr. Joseph Sansone

Joe as Hillsborough County GOP Committeeman I fill share your resolution with my leadership. Great work and thanks for taking the lead on this extremely important issue.


Kurt Christensen

Hillsborough GOP, Precinct 506

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Feb 14, 2023·edited Feb 16, 2023Author

Hi Kurt,

That is great. According to the county model constitution you need to submit a resolution to the board at least 15 days before the meeting. I would just do it and try and get other peoples support. Unless your know your board well. Many REC are simply controlled opposition. Anyone in the REC that tells you that resolutions are a waste of time is a fraud. If they didn't matter why do they resist them? Please share this with other REC members in other counties too. It is time to revolt! :) Also important to have printed copies to hand out at the meeting.

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Does anyone know what, if anything, A.G. Ashley Moody is doing on this topic? She has had evidence of malfeasance delivered to her directly -- I know because I've sent it to her, her office has signed for it, and its receipt acknowledged via a personal phone call. Yet Moody's office remains silent.

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The hope here is to embarrass them and slowly force action if this passes and other REC's follow suit.

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I sure hope so!

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We have more than enough evidence. We don’t need more investigations. We don’t need more fact finding missions. The proof of harm is widespread and undeniable at this point. Any lawman who isn’t a coward or compromised could seize the vials under the biowarfare laws of Florida.

The time for the excuses from these alleged public servants is over. At this point, if you have brought this evidence and presented it to a politician or lawman, and they refuse to pursue these jabs as the bioweapons, they are complicit as accessories to genocide.

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I totally agree.

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Feb 14, 2023Liked by Dr. Joseph Sansone

My fascist state can't wait to force every resident to become a full time big pharma pin cushion.

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Feb 22, 2023Liked by Dr. Joseph Sansone

Thank you for doing this. I've served three counties' sheriffs and district attorneys with evidence of the bioweapon. Like over a year ago. It's at the state and local levels we can win, so thank you for doing your part!

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Thank you!

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Feb 28, 2023·edited Feb 28, 2023Liked by Dr. Joseph Sansone

Hi Joe,

The board approved both the Ban the Jab and Removal of USCP. Will be the new business item for our April meeting. The board was extremely enthusiastic!


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Feb 27, 2023Liked by Dr. Joseph Sansone


I am presenting the Lee REC Ban the Jab and a resolution demanding the Removal of the USCP tonight to the Hillsborough REC Board! I hope they support both resolutions. Again thanks for this earth shattering ban the jab resolution! You are a true freedom fighter!


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Kurt, good luck. They may say you had to submit it 15 days ahead of meeting but the chair can waive that with 24 notice. Keep pressing it until it passes. It will show the frauds int he room who oppose this.

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Feb 15, 2023Liked by Dr. Joseph Sansone

Thank-you, I live in Lee County, this would wake up lots in my small town.

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Join the Lee County Executive Committee

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I would like a PDF document of the resolution sent to me. I will get it started in Pinellas County, Florida.


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Thank you for this effort to stop these toxic and lethal injections. As far as I'm concerned, the hundreds or thousands of individuals leading the sudden death injection push are guilty of homicide. However, as one with 30yrs genomics research experience, I make two comments regarding statements 1 and 4:

1) As there is yet not one shred of scientific evidence that SARS-CoV-2 exists, it cannot accurately be stated that Covid 19 exists.

4) Cell culture experiments using cancer cells (which by definition are unhealthy cells with malfunctioning chromosome replication mechanisms) bathed in nucleic acids cannot be used to conclude that the shots alter human DNA in the human organism. That is a wildly unscientific claim.

But all the best in your efforts, and God be with you.

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