Hi there, I have just read this now, and would like to adapt your resolution to our Canadian situation. Is this the full version, and do you call it "ban the jab" formally or is that just a slang reference to the actual resolution? Do you know of any Canadians already attempting this, that I might contact?

Thanks for all you're doing, Dr. Sansone!

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Sorry, just seeing this now. Yes it is called ban the jab. Please use and share. At the time of this reply seven GOP county parties in Florida have passed it or versions. One county in Idaho has passed a resolution that I am aware of although text of it is different. I have not heard of any in Canada but LawyerLisa just shared it on her substack.

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I live in Florida (Tampa Bay Area)... which seven GOP county parties in Florida have passed it?

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Hi Michi, Lee, Collier, Lake, Santa Rosa, Seminole, Hillsborough, (your county GOP) and Saint Johns. Working on getting more. Please share.

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🙌🏻 Thank you for everything

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Doctor, I would remove the c-19 described as a bio weapon . C-19 is simply a figment in people’s imagination and every symptom known to man (from a headache to a sore left butt cheek) has been labeled c-19 as a result of fraudulent testing. In fact, for the 1st time in history, NO SYMPTOMS AT ALL were even labeled c-19 (asymptomatic)!! Remember, the key to understanding c-19 are RT-PCR “tests”. 1st off, this bioweapon claim completely hinges on the accuracy of these so called tests. PCR is a

Process and simply attempt to identify tiny genetic fragments we are told is the SARS-Cov-2 virus. How could they calibrate these “tests” when they never had possession of the virus?? Finding a tiny snippet of a virus in a sample DOES NOT MEAN THE PERSON HAS THE DISEASE!! C-19 is supposed to be the disease that is alleged to be caused by the SARS-Cov-2 virus but not everyone develops the disease that is exposed to the virus. Furthermore, finding a snippet of the virus does not necessarily mean it caused the person’s symptoms.

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A resolution is not law.

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Yes. Nobody said it was a law. These are resolutions by the county parties to put pressure on elected officials.

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I'm in Idaho, just read like you Joanie!!

Dr. Sansone thank you for publishing.

Is there a way to obtain permission to copy (it's a great body of work) so xan make appropriate changes for my counties purposes?

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I am sorry just seeing this now. Yes please copy and use and share That is why it is posted.

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I am in Vancouver and would love to be doing this here. I need help as I am 95% luddite and don't have all the tools or knowledge to proceed. My email is karenleebou@gmail.com if you have any ideas please contact me.

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Hi Karen I've sent you an email. I suggest deleting this comment now as it's not a good idea to publicize your email address on any social media platform.

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Oh I am so naive. Thank you so much for letting me know. and thank you for deleting my email address.

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Your email address is still there, undeleted:

karen bouachour

Dec 16, 2023

I am in Vancouver and would love to be doing this here. I need help as I am 95% luddite and don't have all the tools or knowledge to proceed. My email is karenleebou@gmail.com if you have any ideas please contact me.

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I really appreciate your comments in the video with Dr. Milhacea, re how every way we fight back has ripples, and that winning each battle may not happen, but will bring more and more people to the fight. Best from Oregon

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And isn't that ridiculous for a free country?

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God Bless my American neighbors. From a CANADIAN loving all you are doing.

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Hi Dr Sansone. Great work!

are you part of ARM too? We have a colleague who I think would love to be involved and I would like to connect you. This is Ginger Breggin. My husband Dr. Peter Breggin and I authored the best selling COVID-19 and the Global Predators:We are the Prey. Please connect with me and I’ll put you in touch with our colleague.

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I am very sorry. I am just seeing this now. If you do a free subscription I can email you. I a part of https://nationalarm.org/

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PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION . . . Protocol X – Preparing for Power . . . (((SARS-CoV2)))

❝. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissention, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by the inoculation of diseases. by want, so that the “Goyim” see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else.❞


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Ban the shots, hang the pushers!

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We need something like this in Australia.

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The Gateway Pundit banned me for speaking truth to their moderators' lies.

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Great work! Thank you for standing up for the human race!

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We all did this, beginning in Lee County.

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I'm proud to have been a part of the group that voted overwhelmingly in favor of this important resolution.

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Just watched your interview with James Grundvig! You and Ana M. really put some important evidence and you can count on me sharing and trying to do whatever I can as well as signing the petition. I have also done Dr Rima Laibow and james Roguski’s petitions to get out of the WHO which I hope you will look into that too, because I think neither will work without the other side fixed (your area of focus with Rima’s focus petitions or letters to Congress and things. I can only hope and pray these things will work! I just thought of something: There was a woman who lived (healthy) through the “Spanish Flu” (which was anything but a flu, like this one...) and she wrote a book I think called The Invisible Rainbow. I got it in my Kindle somewhere but maybe we ought to read it, find out what people did back then...Because it has become CLEAR to me that THOSE days were a GLOBAL RESET too!

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Grand Jury petitions from NationalARM.org are petitioning the prosecutors to call grand juries and indict. You don't need to sign but you can download and share them .

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Very powerful written Resolution, Doctor!! Just sent it to my Mayor!! We've talked about this extensively.

Jeep charging, doc!!!🤠👍

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Good job. Stop the COVID shots and boosters for everyone and put a pause on MRNA vaccines.

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Just stop them altogether

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Where the rubber meets the road in Florida. >



E-Filed 12/13/2022

Excerpted from: Petitioner, Ron Desantis, Governor of the State of Florida, respectfully petitions this Court under section 905.33, Florida Statutes (2022), for an order to impanel a statewide grand jury. As grounds for the petition, Petitioner offers the following:

Jurisdiction 1. Petitioner, Ron Desantis, is the Governor of the State of Florida.

2. This Court has jurisdiction over this matter under section 905.33(1), which provides: Whenever the Governor, for good and sufficient reason, deems it to be in the public interest to impanel a statewide grand jury, she or he may petition in writing to the Supreme Court for an order impaneling a statewide grand jury .... The Supreme Court may order the impaneling of a statewide grand jury, in accordance with the petition, for a term of 12 calendar months.

3. Petitioner has consulted with the Attorney General and the statewide prosecutor regarding this petition. The statewide prosecutor will serve as the legal adviser to the statewide grand jury.

Please read and comprehend entire text. >


Lawful resolutions NOT included in the above petition: >

Florida - Statute - 777.03 - Accessory after the fact

Please read and comprehend entire text. >


Florida - Statute - 782.04 - Murder

Please read and comprehend entire text. >


Residents of ANY State within US jurisdictions should review the above texts, and utilize these in civil Petitions and/or Affidavits.

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Any update on this from Dec 2022?

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Okay, thanks!

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From Karen Kingston’s article cited here:

"The mRNA injections do not contain biological RNA, but contain programmable technologies/electronic devices."

This woman has gone "over the edge" and is reading this "electronic" thing into the mRNA that just ISN'T THERE! Of COURSE mRNA is biological! It is NUCLEIC ACIDS! She has ZERO credibility and including her crazy ideas will only hurt the cause of getting anyone to take this project seriously!!! (CIA plant? "Controlled opposition"?— This is too much "Conspiracy Theory" for me, but seriously, Karen has behaved in ways recently consistent with someone who is completely mentally deranged!)

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Please correct!

The 1,223 is the Pfizer (in their own words) 5.3.6 post marketing study result - the first ninety days of the “product” roll out. They had already obfuscated the trial data.

Significantly…significantly these 1,223 deaths are about 2.8% of the study. Most died within 48 hours. And there are these salient points…



This is criminal. There must be justice.

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