With every piece of paperwork filed, the image is revealed; DeSantis is another cabal cuck. Ladapo is allowed to be a limited hangout. Your persistence exposes this with great clarity.

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Correct. The court's rulings show mass levels of misfeasance and malfeasance. The presiding judge should be served with a writ of Quo Warranto and removed from jurisdiction. >>>

Quo warranto is Latin for "by what warrant” (or authority). A writ of quo warranto is a common law remedy which is used to challenge a person's right to hold a public or corporate office. A state may also use a quo warranto action to revoke a corporation's charter. When bringing a petition for writ of quo warranto, individual members of the public have standing as citizens and taxpayers. >>> https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/quo_warranto

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Free state of Florida NOT so 'Free', huh?

DeSantis is a Bush Minion; Bush Crime Syndicate Trainee.

When someone seems too good to be true, that person is too good to be true. 🤔🙏🏻

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Thanks for continuing all of your vast legal work. Rand Paul is running FB ads on his congressional investigations of Fauci. He is only wanting publicity for himself. David Martin said he sent him the CDC Fauci smoking gun letter prior to his congressional testimony. A. Fauci could have been cuffed and ushered out then, but Rand Paul failed to even bring up the letter. He is a traitor for personal gain and publicity only.

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Blackmail rules the day.

When DeSantis signed the bill allowing "authorities" in Florida to vaccinate everyone in a "declared emergency" "BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY" he showed he's been blackmailed or is just a part of the culling elite.

"By any means necessary" means at gunpoint, and they mean it. Why would he oppose the jabs when he's already controlled?

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Martin Armstrong’s Socrates, predicts this will be the last US election. Civil unrest and wars will follow

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Dr David Martin was a guest on Infowars with Alex Jones a few days ago and said people’s mind’s are no longer on bioweapons due to purposeful deflection, even though health poisoning is how they will take countries down. The death toll and maming now is millions of people worldwide. Besides monkey pox, they have 68 more deadly pathogens poised to be rolled out. Meanwhile Pfizer etc are pushing the tv ads and rolling in the dough. David said we must keep the conversation going and stop using the V word and call it what it is, a deadly bioweapon. WHO’s and Fauci’s agenda has not changed.

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Hello Donna. I generally don't subscribe to InfoWars, but will include a link for convenience. >>> POWERFUL MUST-WATCH INTERVIEW: Dr. David Martin Drops The Biggest COVID Bombshells Yet & Lays Out A Path To Victory Against The Biological Terrorists

August 29th 2024, 6:11 pm >>> https://www.infowars.com/posts/powerful-must-watch-interview-dr-david-martin-drops-the-biggest-covid-bombshells-yet-lays-out-a-path-to-victory-against-the-biological-terrorists/

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Ass holes! sorry man just ass hats jerking off telling you it's rain. But Keep at it...

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DeSantis is a turd chomper. DeSantis signed the HOSPITAL PROTOCOL during The SCAMDEMIC and resigned it a yr later. DeSantis is one of satan's sons

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Thank you DR. Joe. The objection struck me as a lot of blah blah blah!

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And, yap, yap, yap!!!

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...and a bit of yada yada yada!!

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Good to have a laugh at this continuing absurdity. 🤣👍🏼

Sadly, most could give a dang less.

Look at the percentage in surveys of white women voting for the open


calling themselves Democrat in celebration of 'Human Sacrifice' by

Murder of Infants in the Womb.

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Well said. I have to laugh or at least smile from time to time to keep from going completely crazy!

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The reason I responded...

Rare to find somebody finding the humor

in all this B.S. except for Kackles

having her 'Girly Moments' on stage

giggling in the face of the world

she and her cohorts have EXPLODED.

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Thanks for keeping it up and the pressure on!

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Very unsettling!

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Very predictable if one understands that Ron works for Pharma

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Terrible. Hope the American people won't be betrayed on November 5th... by who knows who?

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Dr. Joe: For the last several months I’ve been slowly reading Colonel Tom Rempfer’s book “UNYIELDING” about his experience as a USAF pilot with the notorious anthrax vaccine, pre and post 911. Today I started back with Chapter 14 entitled Citizen Petition, and I see a good comparison between his actions in those days and yours today. About half the book is Appendix with mostly DoD documentation regarding that also illegal vaccine attempt. I wonder if you would find any useful material in his book. Thanks for all your time and effort against the corrupt DeSantis regime.

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because = controlled opposition

9/11 = controlled demolition

JoBama = uncontrolled demolition

“The coverup of genocide continues... Governor DeSantis and Attorney General Moody are not interested in investigating crimes against humanity...“

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Dear Dr. Sansone, please accept my sincere condolences at the loss of your beloved wife. I hope you are surrounded by love and support.

I read the Governor and Attorney General's response. Are they saying you should have replied in 15 days instead of 30, and then the Judge denied your request for oral arguments?? I'm unfamiliar with law and live in California. I don't know if they're even referencing the correct rule. I hope this can be appealed and oral arguments can be heard. Thanks for all you do.

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Very impressive and important that you keep the pressure up on the Floridian authorities, some tough cookies as they are!

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Sep 3·edited Sep 3

I follow up on your actions and work and attempts to get through.! Only on this case to see

the true colors of DiSantis what a blow heart. But chipping away brings results. I know. I work with stone. 😆

Was great to see your name and effort show up in my mail from Kar.tv in Austria.

Personal mention, lost my partner 2 years ago and so I say to you, I feel like they don’t die they just go somewhere

Otherly dimensional…and the relationship continues 🫶


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Partner looking down at you and smiling 😘

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Mary can you tell me more:

kar.tv seems a marketing landing page.

klar.tv is ‘forbidden domain’?

The Austrian aspect interests me. My roots are in Vienna, but in the thick of the scamdemic, I was dismayed how quickly the Austrians forgot about war crimes and returned to their nazi roots.

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Shocked...but not. Disheartening.

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DeSantis, Trump, Thomas Massie, Rand Paul and the rest of the politicians all know that the US deep state developed and deployed COVID and the lethal injections to reduce the world population. Their financial backers told them to stand down or lose their jobs. 1.8 million Americans have been murdered by their own government since March 2020 according to CDC data, and the deaths are going to continue.


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