Aug 23, 2022Liked by Dr. Joseph Sansone

Nicely done. I would think that between the usual infiltration of non-leftist activities by the leftists themselves and the usual drudgery of Republicans who seem to have no no clue, the rigid inclination to automatically award Congress to the Republicans this fall is a bit dreamy. Frankly, I am leaning towards anarchy where one is free to think and act as they desire and employ the live and let live ideal. Violence is often attached to anarchists, but that is a false dictum. Usually if people are fighting against their government, it is because they are being forced to do so. Unfortunately, we are at the point where the leftists will stop at nothing to steal elections. And the Repubs are to cowardly to stop them.

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Cowardly and feckless, hence the need to reclaim the executive committees. Yes, I totally understand the view of anarchy you are presenting i.e. self rule not the chaos typically associated with the term.

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How about some methodology? Where do we start gaining access to these executive comittees? I am an old retired man who still has a bit of fire in his belly.

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Aug 24, 2022Liked by Dr. Joseph Sansone

I have been posting on controlled opposition since I started my library 7 years ago - https://crushlimbraw.blogspot.com/search?q=Controlled+opposition&updated-max=2022-08-06T09:13:00-07:00&max-results=20&by-date=false&m= - that is just a list of headnotes of the articles postedon that subject.

Unfortunately, we have a two fold problem here - first is the fact that too many current leaders in GOP political positions are simply too comfortable to change the status quo, but the bigger issue is that culture forms our politics, not vice-versa. Therefore, we are trying to change the health of American society by shoveling what comes out of the alimentary canal of American life and culture - www.crushlimbraw.com - you can read all about that at my website.

As the author correctly states that Covid policies have been a disaster, how many 'Conservatives' you know have not only been vaxxed, they still believe DaCDC acted correctly? And they think you're an idiot for not being vaxxed.

My point is simple - culture forms politics and at this point in time the effect of our popular culture on Government Religion Politics and Culture trumps any effort to reform our politics.

I'm afraid we have to get to when TSHTF before we even get their attention.

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Aug 24, 2022Liked by Dr. Joseph Sansone

Abolish licensing requirements. I know people believe the government establishes licensing to enforce minimum professional standards. This is an illusion. In Roy Childs' immortal words, "Government does not consist of men who have powers of epistemological elitism."

Worse, government agencies are prone to regulatory capture. The FDA and CDC are nothing more than arms of the pharmaceuticals. Who in his right mind takes their word on "safe and effective"?

Yes, a free market in medicine means quacks will have license to hang a shingle and deliver unsafe and ineffective treatment. But the alternative is mandated quackery. That's where we find ourselves today.

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Aug 23, 2022Liked by Dr. Joseph Sansone

An eye opener. The magnitude of this battle seems insurmountable, but fight we must.

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Dec 21, 2022Liked by Dr. Joseph Sansone


It's amazing re-reading this,

from August.

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Aug 24, 2022Liked by Dr. Joseph Sansone

The differences are irreconcilable. Hence, the growing TEXIT! movement.

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Aug 24, 2022Liked by Dr. Joseph Sansone

My last name has a c in it. Schultz. Thanks for your article. I hope you are in the Party as a voting member where you live. Also, some states, such as CT & Mass., do not have county committees, but only a state committee and town committees. Each state is unique. Thanks again, Dan

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Aug 24, 2022·edited Aug 24, 2022Author

Fixed, and yes! I added a post script with a link to that info on your website.

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A corollary is that more people need to be aware of Lenin and Dzherzinsky setting up The Trust as a fake anti-Bolshevik group after the 1917 Russian Revolution. Once they had lured naive suckers into sincerely joining the group to fight communism, they thus developed extensive lists of whom to kill. Fidel Castro and Ho Chi Minh also had fake opposition groups to lure in the suckers for purposes of betrayal. A lot of people already know that the tree is known by the fruit it bears, but more people need to be aware of fake posers and the fact that the organizational tree may bear good heroic fruit for a few years, only to belatedly reveal its true squalid deceptive nature.

Don't believe everything you see, and even less of what you hear. Be careful of who you talk to, what you say, and how they are steering the conversation over time especially if they want to learn about your family and friends-- who can become gullible sources of information about you or can be betrayed by you if you unknowingly lead bad people you trust to good innocents.

If you are a better infiltrator than the leftist posers and infiltrators, you can turn the tables on them. That includes not joining a group with a friend, but joining independently and not letting everybody know who your allies are. An extension of that principle is that it is often good to operate out of a PO box or a fake borrowed address. If bad people find out where you actually live, they can do very bad things. Including kill you when crunch time comes, and crunch time may be closer than we think. Stalin and Saddam Hussein understood this very well due to all the people they themselves tracked down and killed in the middle of the night, which is why they tended to use body doubles and never sleep in the same location two nights in a row.

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The powers that be are openly and intentionally spotlighting the fact that the political process is corrupt and inept. They want us to all see what is going on so they can present the solution, which is already being put into place, i.e. the technocracy.

How many people are already answering these questionnaires, polls, etc. in exchange for some coupons, magnetic strip gift cards, etc.??? This is the new economy which gets your data in exchange for yet more data from the gift card which then allows them to manipulate you all the more.

The political process is soon going the way of the dodo. Those who are capable of self-governance ( i.e. each individual must take responsibility for their own destiny rather than relying upon the nanny state) will not continue to clamor for someone to rule over them.

More and more people are walking away from politics because they see the writing on the walls. One cannot survive the political process. One must strike out on their own by building a parallel economy. There are numerous parallel economies already in place. If it weren't for the black market, the economy would have collapsed long ago. The ptb want to collapse the whole facade and rebuild what's left for themselves.

They're getting together to hatch their schemes each and every year. They're openly pointing out what they're doing, and yet how many people are able to take their lead and do the same thing??? People need to get together with their neighbors and work together to build a GREATER reset.

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Jan 18, 2023·edited Jan 18, 2023Author

Multiple solutions, one is to take over executive committees. That is a specific solution to the controlled opposition problem.

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Yes, by all means, we must do whatever we can to take back the country. I'm always hopeful, but whenever I see anyone working within a hopelessly corrupt system, I have my doubts. When I saw how they just arbitrarily changed the rules when Ron Paul rose up and stole the spotlight from them, I basically saw the light and realized there was no point in bothering with this nonsense anymore.

It's like we're playing Monopoly, but we've been reduced to just moving around a board that is completely owned by the elite while we collect a measly $200.00 and try to stay out of jail. They already know that the game is over which is why they're working on starting over with a new and improved game. Our choice is whether we want to play their game or start our own.

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I'd say both. Asymmetrical warfare requires asymmetrical resistance.

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I agree and as Sun Tzu pointed out, get them worked up into a lather by deadnaming their pronouns.

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