The Term ‘mRNA Vaccine’ is a Red Herring
Our trusted experts are denying us the right to use the terms bioweapon and gene-editing nanotechnologies so that we are unable to even comprehend these crimes, never mind prosecute Pfizer.
Karen Kingston shares that mRNA is a red hearing and that 'gene editing technology' is a more accurate term to describe the bioweapon. Check out the Kingston Report. -
May 27, 2023: If Pfizer and Moderna have no problem plastering the terms nanoparticles and technology all over their websites, why are trusted leaders and attorneys denying that the mRNA injections contain gene-editing nanotechnologies?
“mRNA technology is a good fit for gene-editing.” - Pfizer
The Term ‘mRNA Vaccine’ is a Manipulative Lie
No one was inje…
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